World's 2014 richest women

 1. Christy Walton

Christy Walton, co-chair of Children's Scholarship Fund, inherited her wealth when her husband, John Walton, died in a plane crash in 2005. John's investments in First Solar helped boost Christy's net worth of $36.7 billion. The majority of her wealth comes from her stake in Wal-Mart, which was founded by her father-in-law, Sam Walton.

2.  Liliane Bettencourt

Although Liliane Bettencourt is no longer running L'Oreal, the company started by her father, the 91-year-old widow is still worth a net of $34.5 billion. In 2012, Bettancourt was replaced by her grandson, Jean-Victor Meyers, as board member of L'Oreal after being proven unfit to manage her affairs due to dementia.

3.  Alice Walton
 Alice Walton, daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, runs Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. With a net worth of $34.3 billion, Walton donated more than $2 million to support charter school initiatives in 2012 and is among a number of billionaires to form a political action committee to raise funds for Hillary Clinton's potential run for president.

4.  Jacqueline Mars
 Worth $20 billion, Jacqueline Mars inherited the candy company Mars in 1999 when her father died. The company also owns Uncle Ben's, Pedigree, and Whiskas brands. She is on the board of directors of the National Sporting Library and Fine Art Museum and is a trustee of the U.S. Equestrian Team.

 5. Gina Rinehart
 Australia's Gina Rinehart is the executive chairman of her family's mining company, Hancock Prospecting, and has a net worth of $17.7 billion. Hancock Prospecting owns one of the largest land leases in Western Australia.

6.  Susanne Klatten
 Germany's richest woman, Susanne Klatten, has a net worth of $17.4 billion largely due to the stake in BMW from her father's inheritance. Klatten controls chemical manufacturer Altana, holds stakes in Dutch biotech company Paques, oil recycling company Avista Oil of Germany, wind power company Nordex AG, soil additive company Geohumus, and is chairwoman of the supervisory board of carbon and graphite producer SGL.

7.  Abigail Johnson
 Abigail Johnson is president of Fidelity Financial Services, the second largest mutual fund company in the United States. Johnson has a net worth of $17.3 billion and is expected to take her father's place as CEO of Fidelity Investments when he steps down.

8.  Anne Cox
 At 94, Anne Cox Chambers is the majority owner of Cox Enterprises, which includes Cox Communications, Cox Media Group, Manheim, and AutoTrader Group. Chambers, who was ambassador to Belgium under President Jimmy Carter and holds the French Legion of Honor title, has a net worth of $15.5 billion.

9.  Iris Fontbona
 The widow of late billionaire Andronico Luksic, Iris Fontbona, has a net worth of $15.5 billion. The family has a stake in Quinenco, which has interests in Banco de Chile, but has its majority stake in one of the world's largest copper mining companies, Antofagasta.

10.  Laurene Powell Jobs
 Laurene Powell Jobs is the largest individual shareholder in Disney, with a net worth of $14 billion. Jobs has a stake in Apple, co-founded by her late husband, Steve Jobs, and is founder and chair of the Emerson Collective. Jobs is also on the board of trustees for Stanford University.

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